Is Polystyrene Recyclable?
Yes, polystyrene is 100% recyclable with the help of our specialist team. Over 10,000 tonnes of EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) are recycled each year in the UK. This waste type is slow to biodegrade when disposed of improperly.
However, few local authority services will deal with waste polystyrene. If you are a company generating polystyrene waste, we are here to help transport waste to recycling centres.
EPS Recycling Service
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a type of foam that you might commonly know as Styrofoam.
This material is commonly used in the construction industry, for uses such as building insulation in walls, roofs and floors. EPS benefits from an air-filled structure with high impact and water resistance, making it perfect for building materials. The recycling process for polystyrene usually involves sorting, cleaning, shredding, compacting and reprocessing. The recycled polystyrene pellets can then be used as raw material to produce new products.