How can businesses dispose of cardboard waste?

Baled Cardboard

What issues are there disposing cardboard waste?

Waste disposal is a big problem for all businesses, and it’s important that you come up with ways to tackle it. The average business produces a huge amount of waste of different kinds, and knowing what to do with it can be tough. A lot of it will be non-recyclable waste that goes straight into landfill, and there isn’t much that you can do about that. In some cases, there may be specialist waste, like chemicals, which need to be disposed of according to certain guidelines. But one thing that nearly all businesses struggle with is their cardboard waste. Cardboard is one of the most commonly used materials and no matter what kind of business you are, you will produce a lot of it. The good news is, the majority of that cardboard waste can be recycled. The bad news is, a lot of businesses don’t really know how to deal with that level of cardboard waste.
This is an issue because large volumes of cardboard waste can cause quite a few problems. The first big issue that you have to solve is where to put it all. If you want to get it into cardboard bins, you will need a lot of them, and that takes up a whole lot of space that you could be using for more important things. In a lot of cases, the bins end up getting filled before they can be collected and cardboard waste is left lying around. This can be a trip hazard, and if you are caught out by a health and safety inspector, you may be written up for it.
The other big problem with a bin collection system is that it is expensive. You have to pay for those collections every week, and those costs quickly add up. All too often, businesses end up putting cardboard into landfill, instead of making sure that it goes through the right recycling process, and that is bad for the environment. As a business, it is important that you meet your environmental responsibilities and recycle all of your waste where possible, but you need to manage your waste disposal costs at the same time. So, how do businesses dispose of cardboard waste effectively?

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What's the best way to deal with your business waste?

The best way to deal with your business waste is to sell the recyclable material through a cardboard collection service. Recycling companies are willing to pay for your cardboard waste placed in recycling bins, which they can then put through the recycling process to create new cardboard products. There are so many benefits to recycling your cardboard with us because it means that you don’t have to pay the bin collection costs, high landfill tax and you will actually be earning money from your cardboard waste. Selling to a recycling company also means that you can be sure that the waste is being handled in an eco-friendly manner and you are reducing your impact on the environment. When your business recycles with a waste management company such as Plastic Expert, you will also boost your business reputation by creating a sustainable workplace.
If you are going to sell your paper recycling & cardboard waste, it needs to be delivered in the correct way so that it is ready to go through the recycling process. This means that you will need a cardboard baler, which will cost money. However, the money that you save on collections will offset the cost of renting or buying a cardboard baler, and you will be earning money on top from selling the cardboard waste, so you still earn an overall profit. When you are looking for a recycling partner, you should try to find a company that can supply all of the baling equipment and handle your collections as well, like Plastic Expert.

We make it simple for your business waste.

We also make the whole process so simple for your business, so you don’t need to worry about anything. If you are interested in cardboard collection services, you just need to send us an email or give us a call. Let us know what your business waste disposal needs are, and give us an idea of the volume of cardboard and paper material that you tend to produce. We may also need some more details about the location, so we can arrange for collections.
After an initial consultation, we will get in touch with you and discuss prices. We always assign a dedicated account manager, so you will have a single point of contact throughout the process and they can answer any questions that you might have. They will discuss the prices that we are willing to pay for your recyclable material and let you know what your options are in terms of balers. When the prices have been agreed on, your collections can begin and you can start earning money from our cardboard recycling service.

Factors when choosing a recycling partner.

Another important thing to consider when choosing a recycling partner is their recycling capabilities. Alongside cardboard, we also deal with a wide range of other recyclable materials, including plastic. This means that we can take mixed bales of cardboard and plastic waste that makes life easier for you. We also make a lot of products and supply an international market, so we have increased buying power and a large market for our recycled products. This allows us to serve large businesses that produce huge amounts of waste cardboard every week.
Some recycling companies only handle waste cardboard collections but we will also supply you with any baling equipment that you need and advise you on the best ways to manage your waste. We can also handle other recyclable materials if you need us to, and the process is simple because your plastic waste can be mixed with cardboard in bales.
It is so important for businesses to find the right recycling partner so they can fulfil all of their environmental responsibilities and make sure that their cardboard waste collections are cost effective. With us, you can be sure that we will process all of your waste and recycle it into products for an international market. On top of that, we will pay you for the privilege. You no longer need to worry about expensive bin collections, you can start making money from your cardboard waste instead. Get in touch today to discuss your cardboard waste needs with us and see what solutions we can offer.

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