Recycling Stats & Facts

When Was Plastic Invented?
Plastic Recycling

When Was Plastic Invented?

Look around.  Plastic is everywhere.  The average home has hundreds of pieces of plastic in it.  Toiletries, home appliances, toys, stationery, food packaging, the list

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Recycling Stats & Facts

5 Recycling Facts To Impress Your Mates

Here is some pub quiz ammunition on the topic of recycling. If it ever comes in useful to you, remember who to thank!
Recycling plastic, aluminium and cardboard saves a huge amount of energy!
Recycling aluminium cans saves 95% of the energy that it would take to make a virgin aluminium can. One tonne of recycled aluminium saves 14,000Kwh, 40 barrels of oil and 10 cubic yards of space in a landfill.

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