Recycling Shrink Wrap For Businesses

Is Shrink Wrap Recyclable?

Yes, shrink wrap and plastic film can be recycled. This type of plastic is commonly made from LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride). This lightweight, transparent and flexible material can be collected and recycled with the help of our specialist team. This makes it easy and efficient for businesses producing wrap and stretch film recycling.
recycling shrink wrap

How To Recycle Plastic Bags and Wrapping

Plastic bags and wrapping cannot commonly be placed in bins for kerbside collections. This type of packaging requires a different recycling process to plastics such as bottles and containers.
However, this waste can be recycled with the help of a professional recycling business. In the UK alone, we throw away around 290,000 tonnes of plastic bags and wrapping every year that could have been recycled. By working with a company such as Plastic Expert, your business can recycle this material safely. This includes soft plastics, plastic bags, wrap film, and packaging labels.

The Importance Of Recycling Shrink Wrap

One of the challenges of introducing recycling programs into your operations is that they can seem complicated, especially when it comes to shrink wrap or stretch wrap recycling. When you work with us, you won’t just be streamlining the process, but we will even pay you for the materials that you don’t need. This allows you to add additional revenue streams for your business.

We provide a flexible service

Once you’ve gotten started, it won’t be long before you begin to notice the benefits. You’ll find that the waste management aspect of running your business is more straightforward, since we’ll take care of everything. As well as being easier, you’ll also know that you’ve pushed your company’s eco-credentials in the right direction, too — and that can have significant knock-on effects, both for how you run your company and how your customers view your business. The future has to be environmentally friendly, and working with Plastic Expert is a great way to begin your journey towards being just that.

Why recycle shrink wrap?

Recycling Shrink Wrap and other waste packaging has lots of benefits including:

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Plastic Wrap Recycling Service

At Plastic Expert, we specialise in plastic packaging recycling. If your business creates bulk loads of plastic waste, we are here to help. Our team recycles this low density polyethylene and stretch film for businesses across the UK.
plastic shrink wraps

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